Ciclosporin A

  • n.环孢素A
Ciclosporin ACiclosporin A
  1. Study on stability of ciclosporin a whole blood sample


  2. Monitoring the peak value of ciclosporin A blood drug level in patients after liver transplantation


  3. Correlation Factors Influencing Blood Concentration of Ciclosporin A in Patients Underwent Liver Trans-plantation


  4. Effects of ciclosporin A on mRNA expression of peripheral lymphocytes in rats undergoing heart transplantation


  5. Group B is the protection one : to offer the ciclosporin A after the tracheal transplantation .


  6. Experimental Research of the Effects of Ciclosporin A on Inhibiting Proliferation and Inducing Apoptosis of Keratinocyte Line


  7. Effect of Ciclosporin A on Prolonging Staying Period of Adenovirus Vector for Gene Therapy in vivo


  8. Comparative Analysis of Blood Concentrations of Ciclosporin A in Renal Transplant Patients between the Young and Middle-aged Group and the Older-aged Group


  9. Antagonistic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on the immunosuppressive response induced by ciclosporin A , hydrocortisone and antitumor agents


  10. The experimental animals were assigned into experimental group ( treated with ciclosporin A , 25 mg orally , once a day , for 3 weeks ) and control group ( no any immunosuppressive agent ) .


  11. Objective : To investigate the prophylactic effect of ciclosporin A used only and combined with sodium ferulate on allograft angiopathy in rats , then discuss their potential mechanism of action . Method : The model of allogeneil graft of carotid artery was set up .
